the real post.
Monday, August 31, 2009 @ 10:33:00 PM
finally, i actually
feel like blogging.
went online before but didnt really feel like writing about the weekend etc.. so many shit happened and dont even know where to start.
ohwell. past that phase now x]
but before i forget ;
no, josh, i dont wanna 'play'.
you hentai.
jae, thanks for trying to make a drama about my life.
can you get someone really pretty to play me please. HA HA
celine, you need to shut up sometimes and stop laughing at my face.
you little bitch.
twin. ilyyy (: fuhkk, would never ever forget that RE period when i sellotaped your bag. HAHAHAHAHA gee. you shouldve seen the look on your face. FUHKEN CLASSIC gee.
saturday 29 august o9
hahahaa. josh made me get up in the
middle of the night (practically). pickup time was like 9.3o. or so he said. i freaked out coz i woke up at 8.3o and, hahahaaa, had to get ready + shower + everything. so NOT enough time. but it was all good in the end coz he came
late (you stupid slut). anyway, his dad picked me up in the heaviest longest (lol) trailer thing ever. containing lots of 'tiles', i think. so we went really slowly. it was lol.
then we got to his house.. waited around for the food to get ready, then aunty's place ! felt kinda guilty i didnt help with anything =S ohwell. straightened my hair gee (Y) no one noticed. (- -) sad, but ohwell. got to the aunty's house, immediately went all quiet and shy - - LOL i didnt know anyone there.. except for his aunty, her husband, and ritchelle. but there were a gabizillion people there.
some lol moments.
1 longboardaccident. NEED I SAY MORE JOSH !? NEED I !?! you owe me for life coz of this. my RRP'ed $7o mega awesome jacket was
ruined(ish). i was falling like a retard. i could've just fallen off the stupid thing normally, just like rolled off it or something. or land or my face, even better. but no. i had to fall with
grace and style.
2 church people that came insisting they read something,
ANYTHING, from the bible. after about 3999million years they finally went away. and josh's uncle explained to everyone indoors that they came 'because they wanted to know when the Big Day is', looking straight at josh. and me.
3 your other cousin. suddenly opening the door and fully surprising me. so i screamed, naturally. and he ran out from the room, fully loling, yelling
'jeez, josh, put your PANTS BACK ON'. i loled for ever.
4 i was suposed to be home at 3, but got dropped off at 6.3o HA HA HA HA HA. goodtimes.
5 ariel (i dunno how to spell) and arwin were SO CUTE. well ariel mostly. AWWWW.
cant remember anymore YET. might remember them soon-ish.
sunday 3o august o9selina's 17th birthday.
jokes selina. ily. hope you had a fab day. xxxxooxox
i pretty much spent sunday
on the phone. like literally. it was like cellphone with josh, then homephone with celine, then back cellphone with josh, josh again, homephone celine, then homephone with jae, then cellphone josh, the homephone celine, then cellphone josh, then cellphone kevin, then homephone kevin, then homephone jae, then cellphone josh, then homephone celine, then cellphone josh, then homephone jae. after that cellphone with josh.
mum was fully yelling at me, it was funny. 'your just basically switching from one phone to the other, talking to EVERYONE !' i wish. it was only 4 people, god. and twiin was gonna call too, even though her call didnt get through. - -
and it was a rainy rainy day, but it was a mega
sunny day for me, since i had to
low the mawn but it was RAINING. HA HA HA HA. goodtimes.
monday, 31 august o9here we are, bitches. AUGUST o9 IS COMING TO AN END. clapclap, we made it. september's gonna be a new, fresh, HAPPY month. after a month like that, if it somehow gets even worse, then i'll just actually die. NO MORE PLEASE.
maths was lol. stayed in at lunch with some people.. doing some maths homework
NOT; fully eating and make-up ing HAHA. then suddenly mrs jackson came, being all scary and etc. we just ignored her and she finally went away. then RE. ohgod, RE.
it was basically a free period. since alot of people still havent finished with their assignment, and me and twiin MAGICALLY have. (hi five twan). so she just went around tryna get people to finish them, and ignored the rest of us who handed them in already.
after about 16 seconds me and twan started to get highly
bored. i drew shapes from my pencil case and tried to match them. (dont ask). i made her an extra Sweet and Personal Not To Mention Early christmas present. i sellotaped her bag and my highlighter. and my eraser. we carried on drawing the Comic [x goodtimes.
then dance practise ! let me just say that now i
officially fucken hate Mrs Ally Fuhken Gibbboans. what a fuking
racist bitch. isnt it good that we PRACTISE ?! and wtf was that with the 'you change to mufti coz of the boys' ?!??! you expect us to fucking hiphop dance in our stupid BLOUSES !??!
you fukin try. you can hardly breathe in those shirts, let alone
dance in them.
get a life.
gabbbyy - i missssssss youuuu -xxo
josh - (: ly bby.
Labels: ahm.personal dramas, inside jokes, photos, schooltimes
i dont care.
@ 6:23:00 PM
i did a 'Typical Keyne' and instead of making the most out of my already running-out classtime ; edited my OWN vain photo.
ha ha. quite happy coz i made the dress blue instead of its original sexy pink colour.
babyy, i have motherfucking moved on.
yeah gee. hard.
Labels: photos
some more lists
Friday, August 28, 2009 @ 12:20:00 PM
relisting the things that make me happy. that makes me smile (:
that cracks me up, or fun, or funny, or good...
little things in life that makes living life worthwhile.
1. fast internet
2. blogging
3. memphis meltdown's big bikkie
4. scary movies
with boys5. dresses
7. having wonderful eyelash creations
8. fake eyelashes
9. high heels
1o. hair all done up prettilly
11. saturdays
12. weekends
13. sleeping in
14. chartwelling/towning with bitches
15. inside jokes that are still funny even though we've said it 48869million times
16. good unsmudgey eyeliner
17. a goodly cutted fringe
18. making up new words 0=
19. chatting
2o. texting
21. calling
22. unholy times in RE
23. afterschool plans with bitches
24. bitching about bitches
25. having $$$$$$
26. spending $$$$$$
27. shopping with mum
28. shopping with bitches with loads of mum's $$$$$ (hahahah)
29. teachers only days
3o. filo dance practises
31. twiin + beetch (:
ily32. new songs
33. singing along to songs with twiin
34. twinny moments that are so scary and creepy and twinny (but we love them anyway)
35. free periods
36. hot boys
37. hot boys dancing and singing hotly
38. lists
39. homeworkfree days
41. going to the movies
42. drinks with funny names (blue paradise ; zingy surprise)
43. cookies&&cream
44. cookies&&cream starbucks drinks
45. shopping in indonesia
46. every single moment i spent with gabrielle. fucking unforgettable and highly, highly funny.
47. every single moment with bitches (: you know who you are.
48. crackup lunchtimes
49. going on sites illegally at school
5o. sneaking out51. telling mum im going/doing something but actually going/doing something else (ssshhhh)
52. boying (rating boys) unashamedly
53. making plans with bitches
54. allowed to go to/do stuff by mum.
55. family DVD nights, all sleeping in the lounge watching DVDs
56. socials
57. 2oo9's ball58. doing funny dares
59. McDonald's times
6o. winning things
61. getting my way with stuff
62. travelling around
63. music64. good songs playing on the radio
65. caramel popcorn
66. staying up the whole night talking/doing random shit
67. trips back to indonesia
68. staying at hotels
69. being vain and taking unnecessary 2034958496billion photos
70. pink touchscreen cameras
71. cute animals =3
72. holidays
73. getting new stuff from relatives overseas
74. laughing
75. talking (:
76. codenames
77. fully eating in maths
78. random fighting in maths (teacher fully obliviousing)
79. putting 'ing' and 'ed' on random words (putted) lol
tbc ...Labels: girly stuff, lists
here we go again.
@ 11:34:00 AM
haha gahb. love you muchhlyy. MISSYOU loaaads. xx
its alright, its okay ;
im so much better without you.yeah g.
feels like i havent blogged in ages !! even though i blogged last.. last.. yesterday.- - omg wtf. this month is actually so funny; everything seems to go
so fast (hmm. wonder why) but when i look back at them im going like 'shit.. that was only yesterday?? that was last week !!' etc etc.
now drumroll for Keyne's NewsFlash Friday 28 august o9 =
all hail CoverGirl Lash Exact Mascarai love this thing.
sorry for being so girly or superficial or whatever.
I LOVE THIS THING. it has given me 2 continuous days of
wonderful eyelash creations. (translation for all you normal boring people - long curled eyelashes). everyone who saw them agreed (Y). it even beated josh's 'natural' long-ish curled lashes. HA HA HA.
Friday Big Bikkie Day with beetch. after school when we are free of any worries (biology test next period bitches) we shall be Big Bikkieing and not think about stupid problems etcetera. we shall dive into the magical world of hidden cookie bits inside the sexy chocolate layering on the outside. and i now realised i have a really weird way of describing things. blame my creative writing assessment.
like that time at my place.
brother = hey can i please use your phone to play a game
keyyne = yea sure here whatever
*brother walks away with phone*
josh = doesnt your brother have his own phone?
keyyne = (loling) my brother with a phone ? HA HA HA HA HA
josh = what? isnt he like 12 already
keyyne = oi. my mum wouldnt get him a phone; he'd lose it in the first 3 seconds. she would rather eat the microwave than give him a cellphone
josh = .................................. eat the
microwave ?!?
cracked me up for ages.
' omg your so fat ;
you should contact the '
HAHAHAHAHAH what a noob.. who the fuck said that again ?? hahahahaha.
a random photo from when i was in WELLINGTON that i wanna share =b
this photo cracks me up somehow.
POSER vainslutim sorry i didnt know
i feel so guilty now, i really couldnt see
what was there in front of me
Labels: afterschools, fooooood, funnys, girly stuff, inside jokes, photos, plans
Thursday, August 27, 2009 @ 9:40:00 AM
tau ga tau ga
kangen bgt bgt bgt tauu ga
kita ud g ketemu brp bulan ????
dari yg pagi2 ke airport.. tuh january
omgggg ud kaya 7 bulan
7 bulan ! 0=
hahahha masi inget tau ga ak, yg kita jln2 kemana2 brisik smpe diliatin org trus
yg wktu ak pertama balik ke indo (akhir 2oo6) ak jg masi inget
. mas2 pk sendal hotel ga mau giliran
. maen yg dance2 apaan tuh, tangannya g jelas kemana2 kaya nepukin nyamuk
. 'tong dji.....' 'popcorn....'
. di rumah sella malem2 nnton serian g abis2.. tengah malem tau2 jd gila kena effect samping autan.. lari2 keliling ruang keluargany, pura2 nari balet ETCETERA
. kita lagi makan enak2 tau2 org kurang ngajar lewat sambil nyuri tusuk giginya yg dimeja
. ICE SKATING ( ahahahahahah haahahha haahhahahah )
. ketemu cowonya gabby pas lg ice skating ('lho mbak, udahan nih ? gamau maen lagi ? kan masi bisa ?' 'udah ah diem')
. dufan..
. waterboom ga jelas. pura2 jadi power rangers pake kunci locker
. mw naek waterboom slide yang tingginya setengah mati. smbil harus bawa ban kuning yg gedenya GEDE BGT. wktu ud smpe atas, capenya stengah mati.
. karena kt males bawa2 ban kuning, kita lari keatas. suru bevan/sasa bawain ban (HAHAHA). trus kita nungguin diatas, tp mereka g dateng2. masnya smpe stress.
. lompat2 di ranjang smbil direcord.. ngikutin gaya yg di TV
. nyanyi2 di kamar mandi smbil divideo hp mamamu.. liat dong geb
. SHINEE DONGHAE ngliatin video smpe hafal (ck ck ck)
Labels: inside jokes, photos
all you bored girls - 'hot' distractions here
Tuesday, August 25, 2009 @ 1:57:00 PM
(: whoo hooo remember girls ; frontest row second-from-the-right-guy is MINE. oh baby.
Labels: girly stuff, hot boys - DAHYUM*, photos
i'm not missing you
@ 1:37:00 PM
the infamous
mr right . girls hate it when guys say
perverted things
. girls like to be told that they're beautiful, rather than hot, pretty, cute, or sexy. it just gives more meaning.
. girls love to feel special, even though they might not show it
. girls talk about
everything with their girlfriends. so that means your possibly 9o% of their conversation. and believe me, trash talking takes up most of it.
when girls are online, they want the guy to chat to them first, and they literally burn up inside when they're not talked to first. of course, when they are talked to, they play it all cool and go "oh, hey" as if they just discovered your message. . girls love it when guys are over 6feet (thats 180+ bitches)
. remember. sense of humour. GIRLS LOVE GUYS WHO CAN MAKE THEM LAUGH (duhh)
. girls hate guys with bad hygiene. so put on that deodorant and clip those nails !
. girls love guys who know how to dance (dahhyum)
girls love it when a guy pulls them close by the waist . girls go crazy when a guy
smells good. . girls have a thing for boys with messy, sexy hair
. some girls can think about their crush for
18+ hours straight. no kidding.
. when a guy says something really sentimental, girls will remember it forever.
. the smallest gestures, the smalles stares, and the smallest statements could make a girl's year.
. girls HATE players. thats H A T E.
. guys who can sing are a
major turn on (;
. when a girl is crying, she feels alot safer if you pull her close and tell her that everything's going to be OK.
. girls love it when guys say their name
. girls dont like
short tempered guys (eww)
. sometimes girls just wish guys would notice when they get a new haircut or if they're wearing eyeliner
. girls find it alot more romantic if you just fall asleep together with them in your arms rather than having a night of
hot kinky sex ( LOL )
. girls like it when guys listen to her problem and react to it. honestly, we hate it when a guy laughs about their problems thinking its so simple.. we all have our problems.. so if you'll just laugh at them then just
fuck off. .
girls find it hard to tell you that they like you because they're afraid that you'll avoid her or you'll be not as open as you were before . girls appreciate it when you compliment them, but DONT OVERDO IT. it'll lose the specialness.
a girl can pretend that everything's fine when your with another girl but deep inside she's like torn to pieces. so if you know that a girl likes you dont be too naive. . a girl appreciates it when a guy writes a song or poem just for her
. a girl appreciates a guy that can stay up until morning just to help her in something
. girls like guys who knows how to respect his family and the girl's own family too
. girls like guys who look clean (:
. girls appreciate guys who like kids
. girls like it when a guy looks at her when she talks
. girls like guys who dont rush things.
the slower it is.. the longer it'll last . guys who dont respect a girl's priorities and time is a super
no no (:
. girls may act like they dont care that much if you chat to them or text them, but seriously when you dont,
they get hurt so bad. . girls can talk about their crush for the whole day and still thinks that a day is not enough
the little things matter most.. a simple 'take care' or 'goodnight' can make a girl's day.
. girls can be affected with any song.. its like any and every song reminds her of her feelings for their crush
dont be too sweet to a girl if you dont really like her. know your boundaries if you think of her as just a friend. coz when a girl falls for your stupid sweet shit.. she falls badly and its hard to get back up when a guy says something sweet and the girl doesnt react, dont feel bad about it.. seriously they cant stop talking about what you said to her to her friends
. a girl is much more than what she seems ; not a toy by any means.. beyond that make up and hair is a sign that says 'handle with care'
- from vica(:
i'm not missing you, im not going through the motions,
waiting and hoping you call me
i'm not missing you, you might have had me open,
but i must be going because i got life to do
i know i'm usually hanging on
i used to hate to see you gone
but this time its different ;
i dont even feel the distance
im not missing, im not missing you
i'm not missing you stacie orrico
... i wish.
Labels: ahm.personal dramas, girly stuff, quotes
@ 11:55:00 AM
she completely fell for him ;
but he didnt even stumble.the story of my life.
now for the goodnews (drumroll please) ;
my mother is not available until Wednesday 26th August 6pmwoop woop.
partial temporary 24hour sun. at least its a sun.
dancing practise again today after school. omgg, the actual show is actually less than 2 weeks. gasp ! 0= (btw, if your reading this, then you would know that now you
automatically have to come to the show). anyway, yes, i have total freedomality tonight (wait wait. conor, what time do i deposit my lovely siblings at your place again ?) and i can basically do
whatever i want (to a certain extent) and since mum took the laptop with her (i think) i shall be free to accept ANY phonecalls and stay on them for ever (:
gotta love today.
and no, even though mum told me to do and not to do 485877million stuff, she did
not say 'dont bring anyone over'.
ha ha, mum. ha ha. she remembered to tell me to 'put the remaining rice in the fridge' but not that. ha ha.
have just recently realised that
life is funny. its actually the funniest shit in the world. its so goddam unpredictable and roller coasterly etc. things
hardly ever go as planned and they always instead go the mega opposite way. things you think will never happen
happen, and they happen ALOT.
but Life's Theory of the Unexpected must,
must work both ways, right ? if bad shit unexpectedly happen all the time, the good stuff must happen too, right? or else it wont be fair. but no, wait,
life isnt fair. damn. so what happens now ? do we only get our share of the HAPPY DAYS ? where's all the good surprises hiding at ? why do we only get the bad, unwanted surprises?
i mean, i think the shit i've gone through THIS MONTH ONLY is enough to last me my whole life. i dont need another shit month like this
ever again, thankyou very much. i know i'll get worse problems later on in my life like those famous 'middle age crisis' or whatever you call them. but excuse me, im still YOUNG at the moment and dont need all these shit. like i dont have enough family, school, financial & girl-emotional shits, i still have to put up with boys shit and bitches shit etcetera.
when is this all going to end ? Labels: ahm.personal dramas, photos, quotes
Monday, August 24, 2009 @ 11:00:00 AM
since i cant
wear them, i'll just be sitting here
looking at pictures of
new wish list1. a mind reader machine
2. shrink down to 167cm somehow- -
3. win Lotto prize of $999999999999999999 etc
things to go back to how they were before all these shit happenedLabels: girly stuff, photos
a happy day coming up
@ 10:44:00 AM
since i have had continuous happy days shoved in my face lately, now im seriously hoping that a real sunny happy day will turn up. turn up soon.
and it may be on the day we go to wellington.
plans for wellington trip
. sort out clothes for day
. sort out which bag/accessory/shoes to wear (ha ha)
. get camera unbroken or buy new one, but anyway at least have one camera for the day
. think of fun dares to do in wellington
. get more money out ($3o is not enough, you noob)
. make mum somehow let me go
. have fun in wellington no matter what
. check weather forecast and make sure it DOESNT FUCKING RAIN
. make sure other people dont know about this trip- -
. do anything, do everything. we dont know the towning people there. we're not gonna ever see them again. who cares what they think ?
hopefully there'll be lots and lots of hot boys out and towning on the day we go. it'll be so much fun. and we'll do dares and stupid shit and etc. HA HA.
i am excited already.
Labels: hot boys - DAHYUM*, plans
a list
Sunday, August 23, 2009 @ 5:43:00 PM
just like twin, i really cant wait for september
god, i am so sick of this month and it hasnt even ended
this whole fabulous month was just full of happy days and happy, happy things and nice lovely people and things that just get better and betterer.
i have never officially hated a month ever before. but i guess there's always a first time, coz i Officially Hate August 2oo9.
sorry for you who love this month. no offence, its just a personal thing.
the happy days list
. about 80 weeks behind on my photography work
. my class is up to WR#6 and i havent even done WR#2
. mum gave me $1oo last week and now i have, umm, $3o
. biology test next friday
. i am constantly surrounded by nice girls (Y)
. my sun still hasnt showed up
. exams on week9
. cultural performance evening on week8 (im actually looking forward to this though)
. ahm and ehm
. poo and pooey people
if next month is gonna be as bad as this month,
or, even worse ;
i will actually pack up and restart a new life in kazakhstan.
wherever the fuck that is.
to banx ;
imissyou, you baka. i nearly forgot how baka you actually are.
PS = grow. !!
Labels: ahm.personal dramas
The Lambchop, The Weather and My Wardrobe
@ 4:34:00 PM
this is a fabulous story of my wonderful weekend.
started on friday afterschool. went to get twin her Winning Big Bikkie - - with beetch. i bought three D= total brokeness in my wallet now. lol , anyway, after handing twin her prize, me and beetch walked all the way back to my house .. eating our own Big Bikkies and, for some reason, getting a lot of looks from car people going past.
K= maybe they're jealous coz we're eating this delicious ice cream. thats why they keep looking
C= maybe, or maybe they can see that big smear of chocolate around your mouth
she stayed in my house until 4.15ish.. probz.. all the time waiting for josh and his extra noob orbiter bus.. but in the end beetch went home before he got there anyway.
but before her mum came to pick her up, me and beetch managed to do some lol stuff, like jumping around on my deck yelling at random guys walking past.. and.. and.. well that was about it.
it was still funny though. (twin shut up)
so she went home, blabla, josh finally came, with his bag full of PSP and PS2 games for my brother.. well in the end i took the PSP, naturally. mum came home but was in the weirdest grumpy mood ever ( boooringg) so blabla, played that stupid Time Splitters 2 game where i had no idea wtf i was doing.. etc.
in the end we went home, and we just watched TV, and ate lamb chops coz we got it from the indonesian thingy, and i HATED it. i hate lamb. it was ewww, and in the end i had to put half my plate into the bin.
anyway, saturday.
was gonna sleepin, but NO. mum's got 'big plans' ! we were gonna spend the whole day just going everywhere. first stop, frankton markets, for some fruits. had to bring the PSP coz it wont turn on and i was freaking out coz i thought i broke it. gave it to josh, found the cause of the problem (a stupid piece of paper) and tadaa. problem solved.
then after that, off to ing's. and after ing's, PB Technology near there ish. then, PC World in town. after that, back home, get groceries away, take care of washing, etc. after that, back to chartwell, went to arbuckles, had 'lunch' in burger king (it was like 4). went back AGAIN to arbuckles, then we were gonna go to chartwell after that, but since mum spent the whole available time in arbuckles, had to go straight to an Oh So Important Stupid indonesian meeting.
at least they'll have yummy food.
got there at like 5ish. it was COLD. annoying, coz the whole day, the weather was nice and hot and sunny. then suddenly it got cold and i didnt have enough layers of clothing to make myself warm. so that pissed me off. food was good, though, and i was actually full as. it was annoying coz my stomach hurt. if joseph was there, he would've said that i looked like a pregnant woman again. ( ha ha ha ). and we were gonna watch that Harry Potter movie on TV2, but we arrived home late, and missed like half of the show.
now to the wardrobe part.. mum came into the room- - SHIT. saw my clothes, e v e r y w h e r e. got mad. told me to spend the wholeday cleaning my room. YAY.
now, drumroll for my partial temporary sun in this Gloomy Iceberging Tsunamiing Sunless Month -
mum shall be away the WHOLE OF TUESDAY because she has to go to some workshop in auckland. so when i come home from school on tuesday mum wont be there.
it shall be a happy day. i can do whatever i want. after locking my brother and sister in conor's house first, of course.
Labels: afterschools
basically a 'free' period
Friday, August 21, 2009 @ 2:30:00 PM
in period 3 we were gonna have maths.. yesterday mrs frekin trimmer already said that there'll be a concert thing at period 3, but she cant take us coz we're behind with our work.. so we were like all disappointed, WTF. ohwell, then at interval me and beetch went to do some 'work' in mathsclass, and suddenly a teacher came and wrote on the board 12B maths, period 3 go to CAC. i was like OMGG we're going to the concert after all !!
it was a partial sun.
then we went there, and there was this group of like lots of guys, singing in a barbershop thing group. most of them are old and big and scary (lol) but there was the oldest guy ever in the middle (AHAHAHA) and one semi-young ish HOT guy.. or maybe he was only hot coz he was the youngest ? im not sure. but he was pretty dahym.*
then they started singing.. and Hot Guy's voice stood out, coz it was pretty high. i dont think i can even sing that high ! lol. then they had a little number as a tribute to michael jackson.. celine was SO happy. and Hot Guy had the mic and he sang solo.. and some guys started dancing next to him like in the music videos.. and Hot Guy's voice was like OMGGGGG total hotness. wow, can that guy SING. his voice was actually really really good.
to boys who are reading this =
guys who can sing is like, a bonus point okay. dont ever think that guys with pro singing voice is gay or stupid or lame whatever. GIRLS LIKE GUYS WHO CAN SING. its like a bonus 'ding!' point. (no josh, not THAT kind of ding).
yes, on a scale of 1 to 1o, Hot Guy was about 8ish, and after i heard him sing, the number escalated to like, oh, i dont know, 74.
HA HA HA, twin, HA HA HA,
you may have won the bet this time ;
but i can assure you i shall win ALL future bets.
you shall get your Big Bikkie prize at the end of school.
- -
you suck.
(what a funny word)
Labels: ahm.personal dramas, fooooood, hot boys - DAHYUM*, schooltimes
to you (ahm)
@ 9:47:00 AM
we still talk
normally but it feels like there's something missing.
wait, i KNOW that there's something missing
not quite sure what that something is, but i know its not there anymore
i miss you.
i miss
us, even though we never really had anything
i thought we can someday go back to how we were before.. if nothing, at least close-ish.
but no. i've been
what happened ?
Labels: ahm.personal dramas
shut up.
Thursday, August 20, 2009 @ 10:42:00 PM
J= but you always smile ..
K= i always smile ? HA HA
J= you do??
K= do i ??
J= dont you ??
J= i think you do ??
K= what is this. twenty questions
K= lol wtf.
you do? do i ? dont you?J= dont i ?? did you ??
K= LOL shut up.
cracked me up (insidely. mum will hear) for ages.
Labels: inside jokes
to rusty.
@ 9:49:00 PM
lol, what day is it today? blog-your-heart-out-about-boys day ? ive blogged fully FOR a guy before (KEVIN YOU BUM. I MISS YOU MUCHLYY) but not like 2 in a day ! and it was gonna be 3, but i dont think i have enough time.- -
sozz kenny. some other time (:
anyway. to rusty.
i know your going through what feels like the hardest most hurtingest problem of your life SO FAR. but we're all still young.. its true that, as sad as it is, there will be worser, harder times ahead. imagine when we're all old and boring !! bills, mortgages, kids, etc !! 0= horrors. but yeah, im kinda going through the same hard stuff too (ahm. AHM) and i know just how bad it can feel.. like vica's quote, ' its crazy how the pain just seem to overflow ' and it feels like NOTHING should ever hurt like this but it does anyway..
but you know you have your friends (me ! me ! lol) supporting you. and you can always come to them and ease off the um, whats the word, pain a bit. even if they cant really do anything to solve the problem, they can at least distract you (: and make you have a temporary smile or, even better, laugh on your face. this helps alot, believe me (:
the clouds will clear away and the sun will come.
im waiting for my sun too. its been like fucking raining and flooding and tsunamiing in my life lately.
and coz you put up with all the waiting, the sun should really be worth the wait !!
i hope so too. for me and twin's sake.
so dont worry too much. altogether now - STOP THINKING ! stop trying to do everything, get everything done and sorted yourself. someone will do it for you. and maybe this someone can do it better. or just for once, go with the flow. see where life takes you ! you cant really change much anyway. what happens will happen.
shit. the title now should be to rusty, to keyne and to twin.
to everyone.
Labels: ahm.personal dramas
for my X-PB.
@ 6:30:00 PM
here goes nothing.
dont even know why im doing this.. i guess there were so many problems, and issues, and so many stuff going on. i dont even know exactly what happened. until now, i still dont understand what the problem actually was, or how it happened.. or when they started happening..
so i guess im just trying to get stuff out in the open now ?
like now, when its a year and some 2 months later?
i know you've moved on. i've moved on too. i've even had new heartbreaks after our 'thing'. hopefully you didnt, or didnt have as much, whatever. looking at some of your MSN pm, i guess you've got new girl/s in your life too. i dont mind. i've moved on too, remember?
and on that last email, where you apologised to me. and i replyed kinda, ahm, meanly. and rude. and swearing. etc. i still dont know to this day if you meant the stuff you wrote there or not. if you did, then i'm really sorry for not believing you. if you didnt, then my email response was perfect for an asshole like you. (LOL) ahm anyway..
if you did meant that last email.. and you got the reply.. you must've been really hurt. then i'm sorry. really really really sorry, i really mean it and i guess i cant do anything about it now, but sorry for hurting you. but you must know why i had a hard time believing it- - remember all our fights because i kept lying to you ? and in the end, you were the one who did the MEGA LIE ? i mean, honestly, after telling me that everything you did didnt mean shit, how was i suppose to believe anything else? how was i to know that on this last email, you werent fully bullshitting as well?
so i didnt believe you, obviously. and replyed with that really rude email. again, im sorry.
i just have some more stuff to say to you, lol. im sorry if you didnt want all this stuff open to the public. but i dont think you care anyway. so.
thing is, maybe some people would think what we had was nothing at all. but you took my first 'i love you' and even though maybe you didnt mean it, you still said it. and i believed it AT THE TIME. sorry im so gullible / naive. so your the first guy ever who said those words, and put meaning behind it. or so i thought. and you also took away MY first i love you.
did i mean it ? honestly, i dont know. i still dont know what love is. its a funny word. and you kinda pressured me into saying it, remember ? maybe i wasnt ready. WHO KNOWS. but just saying, our 'thing' was pretty fun and cute and sweet etc while it lasted, and even though it probably never meant anything to you, i loved it (:
im sorry we didnt work out. maybe it wasnt meant to be. maybe the whole thing was just a HA HA HA HA experience for you.
have a nice life.
Labels: ahm.personal dramas
Wednesday, August 19, 2009 @ 7:03:00 PM
school was shit as usual. but had that morning mass that took 1.5 hours off our sweet learning time.. when it was finished we all just went back and had the longest interval in the history of intervals. or in the history of longness. (kungfu panda. lol. sozz). anyway, blabla, went through the day as usual.. lunchtime was pretty funny. went to computer room with celine and found pare and anne being rebels there ! 0= omgg. ms holmes were growling them lol. and pare was eating hahaha. yeah it was funny, and we were just hushedly loudly talking on the phone and yelling " shut up bitch ! " and if anyone were to just barge in the room, i'll be saying goodbye to my phone.
i felt like a pro rebel.
(clap clap)
then in biology last period, hahaha. talked about dohee the whole time. im getting sick of him. (ahm). but it was funny coz it was prayertime, and of course, i was busy in my own Keyneworld, my huge bag still on the table, and when i pulled it up to put it on the ground, for some reason my 3 thick biology books caught on it and fell FLAT on the floor. the noise it made was like KABAAMMBOOOMTHUDFLAXX etc etc. especially coz people were praying.
erika was trying not to laugh, unsuccessfully. it set me off too, so as i bent down to pick up my books, my face was hidden by my hair and i had a little quiet lol.
tee hee.
after school ! went with twin to bathroom to do a little 'touch up' lol. then walked over to the bustop area in grey street.. twin had a bit of fun with the huge DINGING machine (my ASB umbrella. you hentai). i bet the boys high boys were looking and wondering OMG WTF, WEIRD ASIANS. and my poor umbrella. twin, you scarred it for life. and you poked my chinko with your little stick too. you rapist.
then KFC time ! ive been wanting that bbq & bacon roller for ages. since i saw it on TV, of course. but when i got there, i still spent like 15 minutes looking up at the menu. (shut up. i always do this for my food). then finally i decided to get the bbq & bacon roller, LOL. but when i got it, i was disappointed coz it didnt look like the menu T_T. rip off people. anyway, it was still good coz it had the popcorn chicken in it and the bacon was yum too. i didnt like the BBQ SAUCE though - EWW. then after that, we got the Keyne's Official Favouritest Snack For 2oo9 :
* Big Bikkie - Cookies and Cream *
or whatever its name is.
it was the yummiest most delicioustest chocolatiest thing ever. i opened the packet, and before i even ate it, fell in love with it. it was so sexy and chocolate with all the cookie bits on the outside.. then i bit it and the inside was even more sexyer with all the cream and the big cookie bits everywhere...
you should try it. I GUARANTEE YOU WILL LIKE IT. if you dont, then i'll eat it.
so basically i owe josh for life for introducing me to this HEAVEN IN A PLASTIC WRAPPER.
anyway. went home, my home a peaceful place for the first time ever.. my sister in a SCHOOLCAMP yusss ! my bro wasnt home either.. he was supposed to be at some stupid club meeting that he has every wednesday.
then we had a little fighting thing session.
i know im in no way whatsoever fit, even though i walk to and from school everyday.
i start running and, 3 seconds later, im on the ground, fully out of breath and all the muscles in my body SORE. all 6 muscles i have.
but i didnt know i was so useless at self defence too ! i know im not lightweight (AT ALL) but it was just too easy for josh to just keep picking me up and after that, i cant really do anything. and the funny thing is i was the one who was more out of breath, and i didnt even do anything.
trying to copy the moves off that Tekken 5 game (btw. josh sucks at this game) HAHA whadda joke. i really need to start being all self defencey and strong-er-ish abit. or i should just get a massive 2ookg 195cm boyfriend/bodyguard to go with everywhere. since i am just so rapeable (HAHAAHAHHAH VAIN MOMENT. forgive me).
this is random.
Labels: afterschools, fooooood, schooltimes
ITE gee.
Tuesday, August 18, 2009 @ 11:48:00 AM
boringest period ever.
josh, stop texting me about custard slices. your gonna crack me up and this illegal net surfing at school thingy would get found out. and then i'll get a detention or something.
i like this new template !! its got cute colours. my old blog has like this lovey-pictures of you-lyricsey template but it was like way too personal. and anyway, yeah, this one is more like girly ish lol. and tried to customise the boxes on the left things, but wouldnt work.
ohwell. stupid shit.
and i got a tagboard. customised it of course (: the colours dont really match the blog but OHWELL. i like it.
custard slice incident happened. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA.
went with josh + beetch after school to warehouse ish area. i think we saw mitch skating past? not sure. anyway, went to one of the food shop things. coz i was hungry. and i wanted to KFC, but it was like on the other side of hamilton. so no.
sofas in the corner, beetch sat on one, josh on the other. i went to buy chips. beetch was drinking that peach flavoured drink thing and josh was halfway through his custard slice. went back, wanted to sit next to beetch, so i threw josh's bag to him. landed on his lap, and for some reason the slice on his hand just actually flew off and landed on that potted plant in the corner.
beetch dyed from excess laughter on her sofa. i was gonna lol too, but i was too busy feeling guilty about the slice. he was only halfway through it.
sorry, josh. (note to self= buy josh a custard slice).
lol. but then i had the longest lol ever, it was actually 37 minutes no shit. just kept loling and loling and etc. good thing i was alone or members of my family would've been fully worried. ahaha.
stupid boxes on the left are uneditable !! tried to put another one of the bottomest but it wouldnt let me. ended up appearing in like on top, or on the right, randomest places ever. W T F. pissed me off bigtime.
anyway. in maths today. had a little fight with beetch, she said i was the boringest nerd ever and i should stop doing my maths work. i ignored her and grabbed the calculator. she grabbed it. i tried to take it back but ended up pushing it so the calculator crashed against the wall, creating a VERY LOUD noise and everyone turned. i was trying to be laughing unobviously, and kelly who sat in front of us took the calculator and gave it back to me.
i can only wonder what the other people were thinking. wtf, the calculator just like flew to the seat in front? mega wtf. and yeah, me + beetch sat there, trying not to lol, but it was hard, and ended up loling anyway.
it was funny at the time, okay. you should've been there. the whole class was quiet, listening to trimmer in front of the whiteboard, and suddenly the calculator crashed.
Labels: inside jokes, schooltimes
@ 9:13:00 AM
new blog !!
hahah got sick of the old one..
too much personal shit, so in the end it just went into straight
deletioncomments pls, bitches (:
template =
i love love it.
its mega mega cute (:
so naturally this blog is under construction !!