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la vie est belle. consacrez-le à quelqu'un que vous aimez.
Friday, December 31, 2010 @ 6:15:00 PM
wow, it is amazing how unbelievably gay my new year's eve day is going. i have more fun at school on a monday in a calculus test. honestly
things pissing me offthis unbelievably gay boring day
waiting for acceptance at AUT
its so hot, freaking hell
cant go out
missing out on waihi
celine going away
gay gay stuff
annoying people
i just wanna see you since its new years eve. i've come over so many times and i just want you to come over just this once. i know you dont like coming over but im sorry for hoping. you haven't come over in ages. GOD IT IS SO BLOODY HOT
Labels: ahm.personal dramas, GRRRR., lists
HAPPY new year
@ 3:40:00 PM
yay it's new year's eve today and stupid facebook people still haven't returned my account, so can't talk to anyone about anything oh life is so fair.
and i can't help but think that some asshole reported my facebook for some reason, as i don't think anything i put/did there myself was offensive enough for this to happen. or someone hacked into it and did some crazy shit, whatever. just give the account back to me i'd like to check and see how my SHOPS are going.
hope next year goes the way we all want. although it is proven impossible for everyone to be happy. for every person who's happy, someone isn't. so yeah. neverending circle of shitness.
Labels: GRRRR.
Tuesday, December 28, 2010 @ 12:53:00 PM
it is official.. as of yesterday, the facebook team disabled my account.
apparently i uploaded a photo that violates their stupid terms and condition. i feel that i have not uploaded any photos that would've offended anybody so much that my whole account would be disabled. i read their thing and it said they don't like photos with nudity, drug use, violence, insulting to a group of ppl, etc. do you know how many profiles i've been through where they have a whole album of them doing smoke rings? or those socalled 'drug use' ?? yeah, cuz i'll put naked photos of me on facebook WHERE ALL MY FAMILIES CAN SEE THEM.
also another reason, they said, that my account was disabled was because of the fake name. ok, i kinda get that part, cuz nico told me to change my name to Keyne West so if people just have one look it'll look like Kanye West. that is all. no other intention, just to be funny. you gonna take my account down for that? why dont you look around, and you'll find like 2358 Lovely Princesses and Cute Lovelys as the names for many profiles. and also don't get me started on people using someone else's photo to front their profile. i have seen about 9 profiles with the same girl on the prof pic. why dont you go take them down?
and what about those people who use facebook as a way to sell their stuff? 'Lovely Shop' or whatever and all they are is a business having pretty much a free website and a lot of customers to buy their stuff. why don't you take them down, huh?
also apparently, i read today, you're not allowed to have more than 1 profile for yourself. or you'll be taken down. HAHA DE HAHA WHAT A JOKE. so many of my friends have way more than 1 account. why is that okay then?
i am a good facebook user. that is probably kinda sad, cuz i will have no life, but i am. i go on it whenever i can and i certainly dont do anything that violates whatever rule you have, cuz i'm not stupid and not looking for trouble. i've sent an email to you about how you totally disabled my account for no reason whatsoever, and i really want to see the photo i uploaded that 'violates your photo conditions' because i want to laugh. because it is stupid. it's like in my school when people get detention for not wearing blazers, while they should be busy looking into the people smoking in the bathrooms.
the end.
Labels: GRRRR.
truth and lies
Sunday, December 12, 2010 @ 3:38:00 PM
is it considered 'lying' if you simply didn't say anything?
'lying' means
telling something other than the truth purposely. so if you don't even say anything at all, is it still lying? cuz you didn't actually say a fake truth. you just didnt say anything. and what about the quote 'what they don't know won't hurt them' ?
sometimes it's hard to know how far you will go, and how far to stretch the boundaries etc. some stuff parents don't know will definitely never hurt them, cuz it's not that significant. but some other stuff might. and we all know that sometimes it's better for them not to know anything because they'll worry too much and get all panicky for no reason, like some parents do.
had a great day yesterday. work, then josh's house for a movie
REC 2. some spanish scary movie about demons/zombies, pretty cool and scary. then
how to train your dragon, the cutest movie about cute dragons ever. then got driven to my house, where i ran in and changed quickly to my dress and grabbed all the accesories i needed and got driven to mike's 21st. FUN TIMES (: fun old-school party games in groups, pictionary, code&puzzle team games.. the dessert was heavenly. so many yummy options= jelly, apple crumble, hot chocolate pudding, pavlova, muffins, fruit salad... i got 2 plates of all of them HAHA. i didnt care that i was gonna get fat, cuz the dessert was just too yummy.
"i've got you. i will always have you, baby."
i love you, josh. that's what you said to me last night (: i was on your lap and i fell epicly, when you caught my arms and pulled me back up. then you said that, with an expression on your face that took my breath away. so i did what i would've done... started crying.
which freaked you out for awhile. but then you realised it was crying for happiness. so you didnt mind. no matter what happens, i will never, ever regret you.
Labels: ahm.personal dramas, I ♥ YOUU
Sunday, December 5, 2010 @ 1:13:00 AM
indian accents.
"stop it, i don't like it"
"i hate you!" "aww, but i like you (:"
inside jokes.
"hurry up jesus"
cooking mama.
"kiss me, bitch."
scary movies with the boyfriend.
going on illegal rides.
the boyfriend.
the 3 bitches.
being loud & screaming with the radio on the illegal car ride, then shutted up and turned radio off when a police car was spotted.
"fuck you!" "oh sure! when and where?"
long phone calls
video calling (:
shopping with lotsa money.
illegally downloading something.
illegally doing something.
being able to diss someone completely and getting away with it.
seeing people i know when going out.
birthday presents.
being in love.
Labels: funnys, inside jokes, lists
the not-so-good-stuff
@ 1:06:00 AM
mostly about money. grrr, money problems. wish i had unlimited amount of money and my problems will all go away.
$ NCEA fees + late penalty fee 125
$ stats book missing fee 25
$ library late book fee 30
$ next year living costs shitloads of money
- also need to call AUT and ask about foundation course
- find a job in auckland so i can live and EAT
- find a way to move out of home alive
- make sure i get accepted in my course next year... make sure i know exactly what i want to do in life
- call IRD and change my tax code
honestly don't know how i got through my days without you babe .
Labels: lists
amazing week
@ 12:51:00 AM
had an awesome week this week.
spent 7.30 am - 5.30 pm with beloved boy everyday, monday to saturday... had the ball and graduation on friday night (: the ball was pretty amazing, good songs, good photos, good friends and awesome boyfriend (: he really makes me happy. this doesn't mean my life is going great. actually its not going.. at all. in some ways.
my party went well. a few problems/dramas here and there, but what's a party without one? it was fun and i'm quite happy with it, some cool memories there, assisting the photos. then the going to his house and having a bit of a sleep together in the mornings.. :D all the early wake ups and bus rides are totally worth it. just joining him in the bed and having a sleep! then spend the days watching movies/playing pokemon/and such.
today :D today wouldn't be forgotten very quickly. went to his house as normal, joined him in bed, and i fully fell asleep cuz that's how tired i was. he got up after awhile and i woke up for a bit when i felt him get out of the bed, but i stayed in bed cuz i wanted more sleep.. the blanket got thrown off when he got out and in my head i was going 'please come back and put the blanket back on me, please dont just walk off' and the sweetie got up, turned around and tidied up the blanket right away (: made me very happy. then he just played pokemon on his computer, and i fell back asleep immediately. some times later, i got woken up by a kiss on my lips (: opened my eyes, saw his face and couldn't stop smiling, even though i was still sleepy as hell and couldn't get up/say anything. he was grinning, and then he tucked me in again, doing that thing with the blanket where he tucked it right up under my chin.
love moment , never to be forgotten forever.
it's nice to know there are still boys in this world who aren't assholes. boys who don't just want sex, boys who actually like you for who you are and care for you deeply. i used to have no hope on boys until i met some pretty amazing ones. some of my lucky friends have those boys on their arms as well, and it's really nice to know that your friends are in a good, secure relationship, with the right boy and that they won't be heartbroken or anything.
i like how i can be around you without any make-up on. i like how you've seen me
all drenched, hair plastered uglily all over my face and still can't resist
kissing me. i like how you've seen me first thing in the morning when i've just
woken up and the first thing i see is your smiling face.. i love how i've found
you and how you restored my faith in guys. i love how i know that you're the
right guy and that i'm not ever letting you go. i love how you know exactly how
to make me smile (: i love how you make me feel. i love you.
i love you.Labels: ahm.personal dramas, I ♥ YOUU
keyne, nineteen years
old young.
currently living happily in
i have two other halves, one is right here with me (mr joshy) ;
and the other lives in Paris, which explains my blogtheme (miss celine)
i like typing, the colour pink, shopping, texting, eating, make up, food, cute stuff, laughing, going out, dressing up.
normal girl stuff.
x. i also like high heels even though im 5'9"
x. fake eyelashes are the best invention
ever ;
x. i am
in love with mr josh, even after all this time (2 years, 6 months)
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