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la vie est belle. consacrez-le à quelqu'un que vous aimez.
new life ?
Tuesday, March 8, 2011 @ 11:38:00 AM
well hello there (:
it's been quite awhile since i last blogged... because i didnt have time, because of course, i was in the process of moving out.
and now i am here, in auckland, busiest city in new zealand, flatting with josh and my korean friend ye eun. how did this happen?
no one will ever know. i myself am not quite sure what actually happened since everything happened so fast. my mum knows now, of course. i can't just move out without telling her, cuz that'll just be really bad. the conversation went a bit better than expected actually, considering i told her using e-mail.
i know, i know, i'm a bad daughter. but i think, now, it was the best thing i could've done. we're both really hot tempered with each other, and if i had tried to say all those stuff in person, i probably would've said it wrongly, or said it rudely, or whatever, and it would just turn into another yelling session. with the e-mail i explained everything in a nice way and even remember to include mostly everything. so it was allgood.
she was upset for awhile, but she got over it in the end. well, sort of. she even went up with us when we were moving our stuff into the apartment. it's quite small but i'm happy, more space means more cleaning! and no more parents, i know that sounds bad but it's fun when you have no one to boss you around. you can do whatever you want now, literally. or is it realitically? lol i dont know. but now we can just stroll around town at whatever hour we feel like, and stay wherever as long as we want. no more "oh shit it's nearly 5 mum's gonna kill me if i dont go home right now" stuff.
at the moment the biggest issue is money, since i have rent and bills to pay. i've applied to lots of jobs and i have a recruitment thing tonight :D it's about weight loss and nutrition coaching (?) so i really don't know what to expect. but it said no experience neccessary so it should be fun, right? i'd rather be doing retail assistant kinda thing but i guess valleygirl isn't gonna call back.
i miss you celine ): hope you're having fun there, my little croissant muffin
Labels: ahm.personal dramas, I ♥ YOUU
keyne, nineteen years
old young.
currently living happily in
i have two other halves, one is right here with me (mr joshy) ;
and the other lives in Paris, which explains my blogtheme (miss celine)
i like typing, the colour pink, shopping, texting, eating, make up, food, cute stuff, laughing, going out, dressing up.
normal girl stuff.
x. i also like high heels even though im 5'9"
x. fake eyelashes are the best invention
ever ;
x. i am
in love with mr josh, even after all this time (2 years, 6 months)
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